1. Name

    This non-profit organization shall be called the American Association of State Climatologists, Inc.

  2. Objectives

    The objectives of the Association are to:

    1. Promote cooperation between State Climatologists and those federal, state, and private agencies whose functions include the collection, analysis and dissemination of climate information;
    2. Facilitate exchange of information among State Climatologists, and
    3. Provide mutual assistance in the development of effective State Climatologist programs.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by (a) an Organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United State Internal Revenue Law or (b) an Organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.

  3. Dissolution

    Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Association exclusively for the purpose of the Association in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Executive Board shall determine. Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed by the Superior Court of the county in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purpose or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

  4. Membership
    1. The Membership of the Association shall consist of:
      The Membership Schedule lists costs/benefits of membership for each level, which are set by a 2/3 majority vote of all voting members.
      1. Full Members
      2. Associate Members
      3. Honorary Members
      4. Student Members
      5. SCO/RCC Institutional Leader Membership
      6. SCO/RCC Institutional Associate Membership
      7. Corporate Membership. Corporate membership is subject to initial and annual approval by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. In the event there is a grievance against the corporate member, the Executive Committee retains the right to vote to disassociate with the corporate member.
    2. Any person who is currently recognized by the Director of the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and a state agency as an official State/Territorial Climatologist, or is currently the Director or designated representative of a Regional Climate Center, shall become a Full Member upon voluntary registration of his or her name and contact information with the Secretary of the Association, and payment of dues. Full Members shall have voting rights on all matter before the Association.

      1. Proxy vote rule – eligible state climate offices and regional climate offices may designate individuals to cast their vote. Eligibility shall be determined by dues payment.
    3. Any person who subscribes to the Constitution and By-laws of the Association shall be eligible for Associate Membership upon nomination by two or more Full Members and election by a majority of Full Members, and payment of dues. Associate Members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of Association Membership including voting rights on all matters before the Association, except the right to vote on changes to the Constitution and By-laws.
    4. Former SCs will automatically become Associate members upon leaving the SC position, upon payment of Associate member dues.
    5. An Honorary Member must be nominated for the category and elected by receiving a majority of the votes of those attending a regularly scheduled meeting of the AASC. To be eligible to be nominated as an Honorary Member, an individual must meet two or more of the following criteria:
      1. Been a significant contributor to the furtherance of the goals and objectives of the AASC;
      2. Been a former State Climatologist who made significant contributions to the field of applied climatology and/or the advancement of state climate programs;
      3. Been a significant contributor to the area of applied climatology; or
      4. Been a Federal Employee who consistently worked in the support of the applied climatology area and in support of the State Climate Programs.
    6. Honorary Members will pay no dues and have no vote. They are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in all activities and meetings of the AASC.
    7. Nomination for Honorary Membership shall be made by the Nominations Committee which will provide a background narrative in support of the individual. Individual members are encouraged to provide suggestions and supporting documentation to the Nominations Committee for consideration of worthy individuals.
    8. Nominations for no more than three (3) individuals shall be put forth by the Nominations Committee in any given year.
    9. Student Membership is available to all current students and up to two years after graduation. Student Members enjoy all rights and benefits of membership except the right to vote on matters of the AASC. They are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in all activities and meetings of the AASC.
    10. Corporate members support the AASC vision and mission and also subscribe to the Constitution and By-laws of the Association. They enjoy rights and benefits of membership as outlined in the Membership Schedule, but do no have the right to vote on matters of the AASC. Corporate members are welcomed and encouraged to participate in all activities and meetings of the AASC.
  5. Officers
    1. Elected
      1. In order to direct the activities of the Association toward its objectives an Executive Committee, elected by majority vote of Full and Associate Members, shall consist of a President, who shall be the immediate past President-Elect; a President-Elect; the immediate Past President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Each must be a Full Member of the Association. Their duties shall be those normally assigned to comparable offices in national scientific organizations.
      2. The President and past-President shall serve a term of two years, the President-elect shall serve a term of one-year and shall only be elected once every two years in odd years.
      3. The Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election every even year, and shall be elected for a 2-year term to begin January 1 of the following year. Upon election, the treasurer elect shall work with the outgoing treasurer to become familiar with the procedures and smooth the changeover.
      4. The Secretary shall be eligible for re-election every odd year and shall be elected for a two-year term, to begin immediately after the annual meeting.
      5. If the Office of the President becomes vacant, the President-Elect shall assume that office for the unexpired term.
      6. A vacancy in the unexpired term of the President-Elect shall be filled by appointment by the President for the remaining term of office, with the concurrence of the Executive Board.
      7. The President shall appoint a Full Member of the Association to fill a vacancy in the office of Secretary or Treasurer, effective for the unexpired term.
      8. The Executive Committee shall elect a Full member of the association as the ARSCO coordinator who shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee, and serve a two-year term.
    2. Ex-officio
      1. For the purpose of coordinating Association activities with the functions of the NCEI and related federal agencies, the NCEI, the NWS Climate Services Division and the Natural Resources Conservation Service shall each be invited to appoint an ex-officio advisory member of the Executive Board.
      2. Executive Director. The Executive Director of the Association is an employee of the Association hired by the Executive Committee to handle administrative duties and implement policies and procedures as directed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Director shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee and is not a voting member of the Association.
      3. Associate Member-at-Large. To directly represent the interests of Associate Members on the Executive Committee, an Associate Member-at-Large will serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. The Associate Member-at-Large will be eligible for election by all Voting Members of the AASC every even year for a two-year term to begin immediately after the annual meeting. The President shall appoint an Associate Member to fill any vacancy that may arise in the office of the Associate-at-Large for the remainder of the unexpired term.
    3. Council
      1. The Council of the Association shall consist of all registered Voting members of the Association, including officers of the Executive Board, who shall be ex-officio officers of the Council.
      2. Council members shall have the responsibility to promote communication between the Association and their respective State Governments.
      3. The Council shall be the body which represents the Association in official transactions with federal, state, or private agencies and in announcements to the public at large.
      4. All corporate powers of the Association shall be vested solely in the Council.
      5. A majority of Council members voting may direct the Executive Board to act on behalf of the Council for specified purposes.
    4. Amendments
      1. This constitution may be amended by email ballot of the Voting Membership of the Association or by Voting members attending the annual open meeting.
      2. Submission of a proposed amendment of the Association shall require a majority vote via email or at a scheduled meeting, or a petition to the Executive Board signed by at least ten Members.
      3. Adoption of an amendment shall require a two-thirds majority of Voting Members who cast a vote via email or at a scheduled annual meeting.
    • By-Laws
      1. The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution or By-Laws of the Association.
      2. The Executive Committee shall levy membership dues. An Association action which involves financial obligations shall incorporate a provision to meet each obligation on an ad hoc basis. Dues shall be payable at the time of the annual meeting.
      3. Meetings
        The time and place for each meeting of the Association shall be designated by the Executive Board. Ordinarily, the Executive Board will solicit the advice of members at one meeting to determine the time, place, and tentative agenda for the next meeting. A meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute an official meeting of the Council.
      4. Quorum
        A quorum for a meeting of the Association shall be greater then or equal to 30% of the authorized voting membership. A quorum to amend the AASC constitution or by-laws shall be greater than 50% of the full members.
      5. Invited Participants
        The Executive Board shall be empowered to invite non-voting observers or advisors to attend meetings of the Association for any purpose that is consistent with Association objectives.
      6. Nomination of Officers
        A nominating Committee, consisting of three Voting Members and elected by a majority vote of the Council, shall prepared a list of candidates in advance of an announced election. A nomination for any office may also be made by the signed petition of five or more Voting Members. Officers of the Executive Board are not eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee, nor to sign a nominating petition.
      7. Elections
        Elections normally shall be held at meetings of the Association. The Executive Board shall be empowered to arrange an election by mail ballot when circumstances warrant.
      8. Headquarters
        The official headquarters address of this Association, its Executive Board, and its Council, shall be at The Collider, 1 Haywood St., Suite 400, Asheville, North Carolina, 28801.
      9. Minutes of the annual meeting will be distributed by publication in the issue of the State Climatologist following the annual meeting.
      10. Amendment of By-laws
        These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of the members voting, provided that the amendment was submitted at a previous meeting, or that it was presented in writing to the membership at least 30 days prior to the next meeting.
      11. The Executive Board shall appoint as many members to a Standing Committee as deemed necessary to carry out its purposes. Appointments may be terminated or renewed by the Executive Board.